Wednesday, August 20, 2008

My Son is a Big Boy Now!

My baby is off to preschool! Today was his official first day & he was super excited. I could of gotten him to do anything I wanted this morning as long as I said "Hurry and go do it so we can go to school!". I think that he sees his sister go to school everyday and just want's to be big so bad. Of course he picked Thomas for his backpack!

Naps Are A Thing Of The Past

So my son has decided that he no longer takes naps. So the couch is the new "resting zone". When I tell him it is time to rest he will go pick a movie and bring his whole bed to the couch. Those of you who know my son, know that means a lot of stuff. My son started off sleeping with a little blanket that has a lambie head and tail on it and a blue Giraffe blanket, since he was a newborn he has accumulated some new sleeping items. So know we have his "lambie", blue blanket, a Nemo blanket and his new Thomas blanket & pillow. Now not only does he sleep with all of it, it has to be situated the exact right way. Oh well I still love it!!!

Party Time!!!

For Mason's B-day party we took all the kids from Daycare to Kangaroo Zoo!! The kids had a great time in the bug room and of course Mason couldn't stop talking about his "Choo-Choo cake.

Mason's "3"

Mason had so much fun on his birthday!!!! Right off when he woke up that morning he was talking about all his "Choo-Choo Presents". As you can see his wish was granted, not only did he get some new trains, he got a new Thomas blanket & Thomas sheets. Every night is heaven in Choo-Choo land!!!