Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Trick or Treat

Sayler decided to Trick or Treat with a friend so Jake & I took Mason. Dad's not in the picture because he didn't dress up. Oh well the bat & her Spider did just fine. Mason was so funny he would go up to the door and knock, then he would keep saying louder & louder until they opened the door "Trick or Treat" it was hilarious. Then as he left every house he would say "All these treats just for me!" & rub his belly. It was classic. It is just too much fun that he finally understood this year. For about 2 weeks he has put his costume on every day & ask's "mom is it halloween yet?" Now he has started asking about "Chrinkmas". Oh to be a kid again.

The kids made halloween cookies & decorated them themselves. The kids enjoyed them, but I don't think they were edible for the adults, what a sugar rush!!

Mason tried smelling his cookie & got a little on his nose.

School Halloween Party

Sayler & Mason getting ready for the big party

Sayler's school party was definately not for the weak! Wasn't it great to be a kid. This year was really fun because Mason decided all by himself that he wanted to be a spider. We went over it again and again, are you sure you don't want to be Spider-man, Nope he wanted to be a spider. He said he wanted to crawl on the ground and bite people. He definately did a good job. Now a cute spider costume is hard to come by along with an angel costume. Maybe I just don't know all the good costume places, but I ended up having to buy Mason's off of E-bay. Good thing it's big cause it better be played with till it falls apart. Oh well the joys of Hallween.

Halloween Fun with the Buds

The Preshcool parade is sooo exciting!!! When all was said and done and we were walking to the car, Mason just had to say the cutest thing!!! "Mom, Palmer's (Mrs. Palmer, his teacher) hair is blue." "Yep", I said "it sure is." Then he turned to her and say's, "Thanks for showing my costume." (Meaning thanks for taking gme on the parade so I can show off my costume.) Then he turns to me and says all giddy " I have so much fun mom."
You gotta just love the way kids say things!!!!

Mr. McCain & Mrs. Palin tearing it up on Oct 25th. This was fun!!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

My Son is a Big Boy Now!

My baby is off to preschool! Today was his official first day & he was super excited. I could of gotten him to do anything I wanted this morning as long as I said "Hurry and go do it so we can go to school!". I think that he sees his sister go to school everyday and just want's to be big so bad. Of course he picked Thomas for his backpack!

Naps Are A Thing Of The Past

So my son has decided that he no longer takes naps. So the couch is the new "resting zone". When I tell him it is time to rest he will go pick a movie and bring his whole bed to the couch. Those of you who know my son, know that means a lot of stuff. My son started off sleeping with a little blanket that has a lambie head and tail on it and a blue Giraffe blanket, since he was a newborn he has accumulated some new sleeping items. So know we have his "lambie", blue blanket, a Nemo blanket and his new Thomas blanket & pillow. Now not only does he sleep with all of it, it has to be situated the exact right way. Oh well I still love it!!!

Party Time!!!

For Mason's B-day party we took all the kids from Daycare to Kangaroo Zoo!! The kids had a great time in the bug room and of course Mason couldn't stop talking about his "Choo-Choo cake.

Mason's "3"

Mason had so much fun on his birthday!!!! Right off when he woke up that morning he was talking about all his "Choo-Choo Presents". As you can see his wish was granted, not only did he get some new trains, he got a new Thomas blanket & Thomas sheets. Every night is heaven in Choo-Choo land!!!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Jumpin for Everyone

So the kids got a tramp for Easter and we just got around to putting it up. I did not realize when I got it that the thing is a 15 footer and takes up one half of our ard. Oh well, the things we do for our kids.

Our First Big Boy Haircut!

My Son finally got his big boy haircut. I mean he's almost 3. I have not been able to let them buzz all his curls off. What if they don't grow back? I will be devastated!!!! Jake finally got fed up with his wild hair and decided that he could cut it himself, then he got a little scared so we took Mason with a lopsided haircut to have the job finished. I must say he looks like a completely different boy. He keeps saying that he "I like-a airut. He sure is stinken cute!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Lake Powell or Bust!

We had a great Memorial weekend. We did get rained on in Powell for the first 2 days, but then it cleared up. We had a great time with Brekkin & Scotty. We hiked up to Rainbow Bridge, it was wonderful. We found a camp spot on a little beach next to a canyon wall. The first night it downpoured, but was it cool! because we were next to a wall we had a few waterfalls from the rain that night. I can't even explain how beautiful it was. Well because of the rain the lake was rising really fast, so we had to move their tent about a foot higher everyday. Talk about a buzz-kill, poor Jake & Scotty they were some workers. Oh well all we had to promise was dinner and some beers by the campfire. Oh yeah, we lost our campfire to the lake on the second day and had to recreate a new one. The picture I got was on our last night, so we tore down the tent and just put the air mattress on the boat for Scotty & Brekkin to sleep on. Let's just say us girls ended up sleeping below with the boys sharing the air mattress. It was quite funny, I can't believe I did not get a picture. I must say we had a very fun memorial!!!

Mason loves his Uncle Scotty!!

St George Fun!

We went to St George a couple of weeks ago for our niece Kaylee's baptism. She did great & was sooo cute. While we were there we played at Junmpin Jacks, which Mason was not so sure about climbing so high, but he got into the swing of things. We also visited G-ma & G-pa Grapes. The kids had so much fun eating ice cream & playing with all the cool knick-knacks that Grandparents have. All in all it was fabulous weather & we had a great time.

The Zoo!

We had a fabulous time at the zoo! All Mason can talk about is going to see the animals again. Sayler loves just being able to run outside anywhere, that girl has energy!!!! Mason, surprise, surprise, couldn't get enough of the train.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Easter Fun!

Eater was fun this year! The kids really got into it. We started out having brunch at Oakridge Country Club. While we were outside taking pictures Mason became fascinated eith the golf carts. Lucky for him a nice guy gave Sayler & Mason a ride. After we went to my moms and hunted for Easter eggs. All in all it was a good day.

My Son The Big Boy!

So since Mason's best friend at daycare is a few months older and is being potty trained right now I decided, why not now? Of course he loves the freedom and as soon as we put them on he has to grab just to make sure that it is still there! So far he will not pee in them, but he will hold it the whole time and as soon as I put a diaper on him he immediately tells me "Mama, I Pee!". Oh the joys!!!! Oh well he does love his pull ups & will pee at daycare with his best friend. I think we are going to have to invite him over to pee at our house so that Mason will understand that it is ok to pee here.