Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Trick or Treat
Sayler decided to Trick or Treat with a friend so Jake & I took Mason. Dad's not in the picture because he didn't dress up. Oh well the bat & her Spider did just fine. Mason was so funny he would go up to the door and knock, then he would keep saying louder & louder until they opened the door "Trick or Treat" it was hilarious. Then as he left every house he would say "All these treats just for me!" & rub his belly. It was classic. It is just too much fun that he finally understood this year. For about 2 weeks he has put his costume on every day & ask's "mom is it halloween yet?" Now he has started asking about "Chrinkmas". Oh to be a kid again.
The kids made halloween cookies & decorated them themselves. The kids enjoyed them, but I don't think they were edible for the adults, what a sugar rush!!
Mason tried smelling his cookie & got a little on his nose.
School Halloween Party
Sayler & Mason getting ready for the big party
Sayler's school party was definately not for the weak! Wasn't it great to be a kid. This year was really fun because Mason decided all by himself that he wanted to be a spider. We went over it again and again, are you sure you don't want to be Spider-man, Nope he wanted to be a spider. He said he wanted to crawl on the ground and bite people. He definately did a good job. Now a cute spider costume is hard to come by along with an angel costume. Maybe I just don't know all the good costume places, but I ended up having to buy Mason's off of E-bay. Good thing it's big cause it better be played with till it falls apart. Oh well the joys of Hallween.
Halloween Fun with the Buds
The Preshcool parade is sooo exciting!!! When all was said and done and we were walking to the car, Mason just had to say the cutest thing!!! "Mom, Palmer's (Mrs. Palmer, his teacher) hair is blue." "Yep", I said "it sure is." Then he turned to her and say's, "Thanks for showing my costume." (Meaning thanks for taking gme on the parade so I can show off my costume.) Then he turns to me and says all giddy " I have so much fun mom."
You gotta just love the way kids say things!!!!

You gotta just love the way kids say things!!!!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
My Son is a Big Boy Now!
My baby is off to preschool! Today was his official first day & he was super excited. I could of gotten him to do anything I wanted this morning as long as I said "Hurry and go do it so we can go to school!". I think that he sees his sister go to school everyday and just want's to be big so bad. Of course he picked Thomas for his backpack!
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