Sayler decided to Trick or Treat with a friend so Jake & I took Mason. Dad's not in the picture because he didn't dress up. Oh well the bat & her Spider did just fine. Mason was so funny he would go up to the door and knock, then he would keep saying louder & louder until they opened the door "Trick or Treat" it was hilarious. Then as he left every house he would say "All these treats just for me!" & rub his belly. It was classic. It is just too much fun that he finally understood this year. For about 2 weeks he has put his costume on every day & ask's "mom is it halloween yet?" Now he has started asking about "Chrinkmas". Oh to be a kid again.
The kids made halloween cookies & decorated them themselves. The kids enjoyed them, but I don't think they were edible for the adults, what a sugar rush!!
Mason tried smelling his cookie & got a little on his nose.
Hey Melissa! Your kids are so cute!! I would love to take your pictures! My computer is in the shop until thurs. or fri. so I will e-mail you my price list as soon as i get it back!:) My sister is getting married next week but I might be able to work you in, in the beginning of the week or the next week! I will be in touch!
Oh you guys look so cute in your costumes! I bailed on the dressing up this year. What a boring mom I am! The night was too crazy. Your family is so adorable and your kids are getting so big. Hope you guys are doing well!
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